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Ariana Grande New Album and New Look

Image: Billboard   The new Ariana Grande album is the new talk of the town, and so is her new look. This is what I believe...The new songs seem a bit careful and interesting. However, I believe it can be much better. She seems to be under stress due to her personal relationship, it wasn’t easy. She went to the Academy Awards looking cute and pinky. The dress looked to big on her because she lost a lot of weight. She says her body weight is normal and wants people to stop body shaming her.  I can understand how it feels to be body shamed. My response is to tell those people to look in the mirror and think of themselves and move on. Also, she's starring in the new Wicked film that is soon to come out. So in the near future, there's  new song releases, a premiere and makeup collections. Her hands are full and Ariana will be very busy this year.

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